Lizbeth Hartz

Lizbeth Hartz graduated with a B.A. in English from the University of California at Riverside in the early 70’s. Lizbeth lives with her fiancé, Barry, in lush Manoa Valley above the University of Hawaii. After moving to Hawaii a few years later, she freelanced as a writer part time, resulting in nearly 150 nonfiction magazine articles published in local and regional magazines. Lizbeth spent 14 of her 36 years with federal civil service employed as a dispatcher for two military fire departments on Oahu. Her true-crime memoir Angel Hero grew out of that experience. The book has been read by three Hollywood producers, and a soundtrack of music commissioned, which was used for the trailer of the book.
Angel Hero
But a grisly crime in the gentle rain of a Hawaiian Valentine’s Day morning shocks her out of her fantasies and plunges her into the greatest struggle of her life. Liz knows one wrong move could snuff out her life quicker than she can say, “Fire Department. Are you reporting an emergency?”
This is a true story. Names and descriptions, dates, and places were changed to protect the innocent.