Publish With Kwill
Kwill is a registered independent publishing house and not just a marketing service. That means when you publish with Kwill you are a published author. Our authors are given everything needed to have a good-looking, well-edited, and formatted book with a guaranteed push at launch with a free set-up and an all-inclusive price that takes off where most publishers stop. More on what we do here.
The Kwill Book Cycle
The book production cycle takes 2- 3 months from sign-up, followed by an intense marketing cycle and launch for a further 3-month period of KDP Select. After this time, you can go ahead with any plans you want to explore, or go into print and expanded distribution with Kwill Book Services.
You will be sent a contract of deliverables and Terms and Conditions with a PayPal invoice when you are accepted as a Kwill Author.
By eliminating all publisher overheads, Kwill Authors have complete freedom and ownership of rights, copyright, and 100% royalties for your book.
Bowker ISBN Registration
Your Bowker ISBN worth $125 will be registered with Kwill Books at the ISBN agency. Kwill Publishing House publishes US and UK English books using KDP and Createspace technologies at because Amazon has the best exposure for a new book. We are registered as a publishing house and therefore when you are with Kwill you have “published” status rather than having an ISBN you acquire through a service like Ingram, Createspace, BookBaby, or Authorhouse. These services are formatting and distribution services, and not publishers in the traditional sense and you will still have self-published status. With Kwill you are registered at Bowker as one of our published authors and will be treated as such by libraries and book buyers looking for new talent.
Categories on BISAC and Amazon KDP
We will assess your categories and give you 3-5 categories in the BISAC registry, and a further 2 on These categories will give you a high chance of ranking on Amazon.
Keyword Assessment For Amazon
We will give you 5-7 keywords or phrases that will help readers discover you on Amazon.
Book Editing
As soon as you have been registered with Kwill and have submitted your manuscript in Word format, one of our experienced native English editors will edit your book in two stages. The first stage of content editing is optional only if you have already had your book edited by a professional editor, but for Kwill quality purposes, proofreading is mandatory.
Day 1 – 30 Content Edit – 1-month cycle of a full content edit by one of our editing team at Kwill. These edits will be marked up on Word, and will comment on character, plot arc, development, and language used.
Day 30 – 60 The manuscript is then returned to the author for approval and changes.
Day 60 – 90 Proofread – 1-month cycle of a proofread using manual and automatic editing tools. Your book will be read twice in full during this process.
Book Cover Design
When you become a Kwill Author we will send you a questionnaire about your book cover preferences. This is an interactive survey that will tell us what kind of book cover you would like. Our in-house design team will then provide you with a draft for approval, or two tweaks. We then present your cover design in .pdf and .jpg format for upload to Amazon KDP, including fonts and stock imagery licenses for your book.
3D Book Cover Design
You will receive a 3D book cover design to use on your Author Page and websites, blogs, and ads to promote your book.
Interior Formatting
We will format your interior to Amazon KDP standards and add a link to your Author Page on Kwill ready for upload to your Book Page. Our staff have attended training at the Editorial Freelancer’s Association. The team will format and check your interior before you upload to Amazon. All interiors will include a copyright page, your links, and HTML plus metadata from the ONIX catalogue via ISBN for maximum exposure and discovery.
Kwill Author Page
We will give you an author page on Kwill with an Amazon Buy button, a 3D book image, an author photo and bio, and a book trailer. To begin with, this page will show your photo and bio with a “Coming Soon” book cover and a placeholder for your video trailer, but you will be provided with a URL of “” to share with your fans.
Step-By-Step Amazon Book Page Set-Up
You will be in control of your new Amazon Book Page. We will coach you through setting up your new book page and optimizing the layout and wording for best results. We do not have access to this page so that there are no overheads or royalties payable to Kwill, and you are in 100% control at all times of your financial and private information, as well as your Book Page content. However, we are here to help every day including weekends on email for support for the three months you are in KDP Select.
Help With Author Bio and Book Blurb
We will edit your book blurb and author bio to ensure you have a perfect Amazon Book page.
1-Minute Book Trailer
We will provide you with a 1-minute book trailer designed in-house or with one of our partner suppliers, based on your book cover artwork. You will get a choice of two music tracks and wording. We will host your video on our YouTube channel so that you can share it wherever you prefer, including your website and social media.
Ranking, Sales, And Customer Reviews
We will launch your book with our Amazon mailout service to a vast list of readers and book professionals who like to review on Amazon. Choose from 2 options of launching:
Guaranteed Ranking Top #20 + 10 Customer Reviews
We guarantee you will reach Top 20 Amazon Ranking in your category, and that you will get an estimated 10-15 Amazon Verified Customer Reviews and 50 sales. This is within Amazon Guidelines because we are simply advertising to the public who signed up for our list promos.
Guaranteed Sales + 10 Customer Reviews
If you are not concerned with ranking, we can alternatively offer you 60 sales over 3 days with 10 or more estimated Amazon Verified Customer Reviews.
Editorial Reviews
Editorial Reviews are an important part of your Amazon Book Page as they are expert opinion about your book to encourage sales. You will be given a Lead Story Review at Self-Publishing Review worth $299.
Social Media
We will get you 85,000 Clicks from visitors to your Amazon Book Page over 1 month and will promote your book and trailer on Kwill Books and partners’ social media, reaching over 50,000 readers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and G+.
Help With Goodreads
We will provide a Goodreads Best Practice Guide worksheet for you to improve your exposure with your Goodreads profile and connections.
Book Blast
We will manage a Book Blast to over 25 bookcentric websites with Promotional Book Tours, prize included. This will increase your visibility on Google to list around four pages of links to advertise your book, and therefore increase the social proof of your book and you as an author.
Terms and Conditions
- The Kwill Service Contract starts when you have paid your invoice of $3999 and Kwill has confirmed receipt of your manuscript.
- We do not consider editing or the use of artwork from the author’s source to be used in this deal for logistical and quality control purposes.
- The author understands that Kwill operates as a publishing house, and therefore decisions made about material representing Kwill will be made in the best interest of Kwill and the author.
- All rights and copyright of the manuscript stay with the author at all times, in perpetuity, and will be registered as such by Kwill in the first weeks of contracting. All documents will be sent to the author via email confirming this.
- This deal, however, is with the understanding that the author is to publish this work exclusively with Kwill during the period of service, i.e. the length of the agreement, of three months from publication on KDP Select.
- The Author must agree to the Terms of Service of Amazon KDP Select.
- All rights and copyright of the book cover and artwork are held by Kwill, but with free use for the author in connection with the book registered to Kwill for all time, in perpetuity. Kwill reserves the right to use the cover artwork as a testimonial example in advertising its products and services. It is against Kwill’s terms of service for book cover artwork to be repurposed for any other book other than the book registered with Kwill, or any other property, or resold by the author, except in connection with the promotion of the book contracted with Kwill. This is because the licensing held for imagery and fonts extends only to the book cover created for this book as registered. If you wish to re-purpose your book artwork, please contact us so we can re-negotiate licensing for you.
- All rights and copyright of the book trailer are held by Kwill, but may be used by the author at any time in connection with the book registered to Kwill. If for any reason the author wishes to repurpose or resell the trailer, a cost of $80 will be required to release the rights of that trailer from Kwill.
- Your BestSeller results may be shown in connection with Kwill advertising and promotion.
- If for any reason your BestSeller Package does not get your book into the Top 20 list for one of your categories as added by Kwill, we will give you a refund of $800 via PayPal.
- We cannot accept checks or BACS at this time. European clients who are not a registered business will be subject to IVA/VAT.
- Once a stage of the process, such as editing or design is approved by the author, we cannot further edit the book or change the book’s content. If further changes are to be made, the author will be asked to pay a small supplementary fee for changes. This is because the Kwill price includes production until author approval only.
- Once your book is published on Amazon, any further changes will be subject to a charge. This is because our price is inclusive of one full cycle of production only.
- If you decide to leave Kwill but wish to keep your ISBN, you must keep Kwill Books listed as your publisher, and you must use the artwork, book trailer, and content as it was when you approved it. If you decide to change your edit, design, trailer, or any other part of the book, you must change ISBN and stop listing your book as published by Kwill. This is because we must adhere to brand governance and quality guidelines. Any author that is using the ISBN issued with Kwill Books after changes we consider do not not meet our publishing standards will be issued with requests to change content with immediate effect, and we will stop marketing your book.
- Marketing will be carried out for your contract’s length of three months, at which time your book will continue to be advertised on the Kwill Books site and rotated on other sites in display advertising and our social media. If you wish to invest in further marketing, let us know.
- If you wish to move your website at the end of your contract, bear in mind you will need to buy hosting and hire a professional to migrate your site to another space, as we do not host sites once the contract has expired. Transferring ownership of the domain name will not suffice. If you wish to carry on hosting with Kwill after one year, we can arrange this for you.
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